Monday, June 26, 2006

It Rained Cats and Dogs...

...and I've the pictures to prove it!

The plan for Sunday was to have a wander around the left bank and the islands, with M, an Irish friend who I used to work with in California and who's now living in Switzerland, and her sister, T, who stayed with us when she first moved to Paris and has been a willing cat-sitter on occasion. M was in town for the weekend and it's been years since I've seen her. The weather made it a slightly soggy reunion.

The cat we found upstairs at Shakespeare & Co., where we'd arranged to meet. We went for lunch at a nearby restaurant, named La Maison des Beaux Jours (ironically, in the circumstances). There we found the dog, one of Paris' uglier, but no less friendly for that.

Since strolling the winding lanes of old Paris wasn't as appealing as it would have been normally, we thought we'd have a look around that big old church on the Ile de la Cité, only about a block away. It looks like tourist season is upon us, however, because the line to get inside Notre Dame snaked around the square and through the puddles outside, causing us to abandon the idea and repair to a café for a second after-lunch coffee.

So much for a cultural afternoon, but it was great to catch up with M - and it turns out she's on blogspot too, (at An cailín elvéiseach, which means the Swiss girl, in gaellic).


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