Sunday, May 21, 2006

More Wine

Yesterday evening was our second Lavinia class in our introduction to wine tasting. We attempted to do a little homework beforehand, by reading the little booklet we'd been given and looking up any words we didn't understand. I can't say it helped me understand the lesson any better. With several fewer students, and perhaps feeling more at ease with the first lecture behind him, the instructor seemed to speak in a more rapid and relaxed fashion - and I still need slow and stiff or I can't keep up. It's not that I'm not learning; but some day I'll want to take the course again (in English if my French isn't much improved) to fill in the gaps. Janet did better, and even managed a little chit-chat with the fellow beside her.

The subject was red wine this week, and the ones we tasted were, like the whites last Saturday, not chosen in an attempt to present representatives of common varieties, but rather illustrate a number of aspects of the tasting process, using wines of interesting characteristics in the colour, nose, body and flavours. I think the Rioja was my favorite this week.

This morning the kestrel was off her window ledge, permitting me to observe one brown egg in the corner. That answers that question: she's definitely nesting, even if there's no actual construction of twigs and straw. We're not sure how concerned to be about the amount of time she is not on her "nest". Perhaps she's new at this, but isn't she supposed to sit on the egg more or less constantly?


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