Nothing Like a Hot Bath
The January sales are winding up, with many stores posting signs saying "Dernier Jours" or "2me Demarque" (second markdown). Despite the apparent buzz, we're pretty underwhelmed. Last weekend when we sallied forth we found articles for sale at every turn; but not a thing on our list could we find reduced, be it a book or a waffle iron. Anything that isn't a leftover is still full price. And while the clothing stores seem to be cutting prices in half or thereabouts, other deals are only 20% or 30% off, the kind of sale we expect every day in North America.The marketing is certainly going full bore. This metro billboard caught my eye as something you're not likely to see in the Toronto subway - but maybe that's just my twisted mind...?
(The caption translates: It's a strange sensation to discover that a muffin can be effervescent.)
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