Sunday, January 27, 2008

Union Square, Market

Union Square isn't exactly walking distance, so our farmer's market is a bit more of a hike than the Byward Market was when I lived on Clarence Street in Ottawa.  But it's nice to have it all the same, in this metropolis among metropoles.  Since most of our groceries come from Fresh Direct, or glorified convenience stores like Gristedes or Zaytuna (or arrive hot to our door in little plastic containers with paper napkins and fortune cookies) a weekend trip to buy groceries at the outdoor stalls makes a very pleasant outing.

Union Square has other attraction too.  It often has sidewalk artists, buskers, and other diverting politically or socially motivated interests making their cases.  There's some decent shopping in the area, including a Barnes & Noble, and a Whole Foods (expensive as the dickens elsewhere, in New York the prices seem quite reasonable, if only relatively).


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