Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Weekend

After our trip to La Rochelle last weekend, we spent this one at home (even though it's a long one, since Janet has today off).  I went for a long run yesterday and remarked to myself, as I trotted along just across the river through Suresnes, that clearly there were still some signs of the Catholic roots of the country: here it was Easter Sunday morning and (except for about two hundred cyclists circling the Longchamps hippodrome as they do every Sunday) the streets were empty with everyone at church.

Then I approached the park on the Ile de Puteaux and was nearly bowled over by a wave of children and their parents, hundreds and hundreds of them.  The park was having an easter fair, with people dressed up as chickens, donkey rides, and an Easter egg hunt (chasse aux oeufs).  So celebrating Easter yes, but perhaps not all as good Catholics.

The kestrels have been around for the last week, one or the other dropping into the courtyard for a visit every day or so.  I think they are still considering last year's nesting site for use again this year, because that's where he or she will often be spotted.  This morning was warm and sunny, and they were both around for a little while, chattering to each other, and engaging in some frisky hi-jinks.


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