Bois de Boulogne
An aggravating work day yesterday, since I spent the afternoon catching up for time lost on connecting to the office earlier in the week. After several hours preparing some paperwork to support staffing requests, I fired the completed material to my boss for his approval and was promptly told I needn't have bothered, he had it all in hand and I was only confusing the HR staff. Very efficient of him to reply so quickly on a Saturday afternoon. Pity he didn't mention any of this when I committed to doing the work.At times like those, exercise is the best solution (violence to inanimate objects being another, but less productive), so I donned my runners and my Garmin GPS and headed out to explore the Bois de Boulogne, which is accessible through the Port Mulette a few short blocks from here. Like Hyde, Golden Gate and Central parks, the Bois de Boulogne is criss-crossed with roads, playgrounds and other facilities that interrupt the zen of a long-distance run; nonetheless, there are some good long stretches beneath the trees and plenty of potential for variety in one's route. Very nice to have a such a pleasant space in a dense metropolis.
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