Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Shopping in Snow-ho

A heavy snowfall turned Soho into a Christmasy shopping idyll.  But up close, Snow-ho is Slush-ho – A little too warm yet for a genuine winter wonderland.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Under Brooklyn Bridge

The father of our erstwhile roommate visited New York this weekend, and very kindly took us out to lunch as a gesture of thanks for looking after C for the weeks she was with us. Happily he knows New York, and is a fan of the River Café. This meant a very pleasant brunch, with mimosas, a fine view and a chance to dust off our French.

The restaurant is in Brooklyn, directly below the Brooklyn Bridge. This fireboat cruised by our table just after the meal.

[20/01/09 - We received a further thank you (after we sent a note of thanks to him) that we will save as a superb example of French written correspondence, an art that makes English formal courtesy look as brusque and terse as a recipe for ice cubes.]

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Tree Lighting on Wall Street

The Christmas tree in our neighbourhood was all lit up when I came home today.  Apparently there was an official tree-lighting ceremony featuring Aretha Franklin.

The SWAT team has nothing to do with the Christmas lights.  Heavily armed police are a fixture on this corner.  They seemed quite used to having their picture taken, like the guards at the Tower of London.